At some point in your conversation with a Modern representative you've heard that we are an ESOP. This fact may not necessarily be at the forefront as we work with you to answer a question or solve a problem you have. However, the fact that we are a 100% employee-owned company profoundly shapes the level of commitment, quality, and responsibility your business should expect from our company.
Every person who picks up a wrench, packs a box, manages billings, anyone you speak to is an owner of Modern.
To be part of Modern is to commit to something more than just a job and a paycheck. When we join this company we are making a commitment to those we will work with and those who came before us. We dedicate ourselves to making our company better. To make sure ourcustomers receive the best service experience possible.
Recently, we began a drive to recognize those in our organization who best exemplify these ideals and core ESOP values. As one of the over 300 owners of Modern, I couldn't be more proud to share their names and stories with you.
Paul Farrell
President and CEO, Modern Group
Our Owners Of The Month For November:
Jacques Colmaire
The one person we'd dare say has had the most direct impact on all of us on a day to day basis.
One person who nominated him said it best:
"Over the last 60 days, I have personally called on Jacques at various hours on both Saturdays and Sundays. When I say various, I mean anywhere from 9am on a Sunday to 6pm on Saturday. He always answered the call. On top of the excellent level of customer service, he has a can do attitude (no matter how badly I screwed up the system) and is never judgmental. He is a world class service level provider."
Another wrote:
"He is always eager to help employees resolve their issues so they can have all the necessary and available hardware and software to help employees complete their job. Jacques always has a great attitude. Whenever you need his assistance he works not only to solve the issue as quickly as possible, he helps you to understand the issue you are having, and he also make you feel that it is his pleasure to help you."
Randy Christine
Recommendations for Randy came far and wide in the York area, including several customers:
"Randy not only has a great approach with customer service, he goes out of his way to make sure Modern meets the needs of a very demanding customer. We have called him after hours and he still makes sure that what we need is here the next day or the best delivery possible."
Another wrote:
"Randy is very responsive to the needs of our facility. Whenever we have a rush on a part, Randy is quick to deliver the part or get it on order if needed. If we receive an order and the packing slip part #'s do not match our PO Randy helps me identify the items correctly. He is always very pleasant to work with."
Yet another:
"Randy shows up to work everyday with a determination to improve Moderns operations in parts distribution. He goes above and beyond the call of duty, to ensure the correct parts are ordered and received in a timely fashion...He sacrifices his time and efforts to take care of the needs of the guys in blue shirts, before his own. When it comes to getting the job done right the first time, he always delivers."
Richard Milligan
He is a rock of the Edison branch with respect coming from all levels.
"Positive attitude that's contagious! Customer service is a top priority with "Milli" and always has been; as evidenced by the numerous amount of times that customers have taken the time to call or write in and compliment him, his work and his attitude....as recently as two weeks ago. Milli is very respected by his peers and helps sustain positive morale at all times."
Another Modern owner said of Richard:
"In the face of the customer he represents Modern with an upbeat attitude, a wealth of industry knowledge and always puts the customer and company first."
John Jones
John's credentials for nomination cut to the heart of what it means to be an owner. I was speaking with John McClure, Modern Power Systems General Manager, recently who brought up an email he received from a customer. 
John arrived at a Generac customer's house and parked on the street. He didn't want to disturb the driveway or get it dirty. He called his tools back and forth on the grass, not touching any of the walking paths. After he changed the oil he carefully took it again along the grass, not spilling a drop. After his work was done he packed up his van, but walked back to the generator carrying cleaning supplies and rags. He took the next few minutes and cleaned that generator from top to bottom. He walked back to the van and drove to his next service.
The owner of that house watched all this and was blown away by John's actions. To see this tech take the time, the care, the pride, to make sure that generator looked its best after the job impressed him beyond words.
That was an owner servicing a generator.